Sam Murphy
Asset Manager at Global Tank
Lincoln, Nebraska
2021 Builder Alumnus
Top 5 Strengths: Strategic, Competition, Deliberative, Focus, Self-Assurance
“The Builders Program has taught me the importance of inclusivity, empathy, and dedication. It’s about making a difference on a micro level, whether helping at the gym or being active in the UNL Unified Special Olympics. This program has empowered me to contribute meaningfully in all areas of my life.”

This is about Sam Murphy, a Builder from the ‘21 cohort at UNL. There are so many stories about the greatest Builders creating startups, forging new departments within a company, or landing high dollar dream careers. This is not about any of that. Sam is still, after all, a college student. This is about building a better tomorrow on a micro level. When I first met Sam, he was sitting behind me in our cohort’s first class together. We both shook hands and did small chit chat, which for Builders usually turns into a small ego contest.
This was the start of our friendship, though I didn’t know it at the time. Reflecting on the last year, I’ve come to realize a few things about Sam. Sam is aware of everyone and strives to be inclusive. He sets aside his own wants and needs when the opportunity to help someone else is available. He is always one to help out someone at the gym, be it spotting or providing advice about proper lifting stance. It’s a small thing, but it comes from a place of empathy. Sam was a proud member of the “small bois gang” and has watched what dedication and discipline can lead to. He has also seen what improper form can easily destroy, having just recovered from a lifting injury. These two experiences drive his desire to help others achieve success and avoid setbacks. Sam’s efforts to be inclusive don’t end there. Sam is an active member of the UNL Unified Special Olympics community. It takes a special person to participate in Unified. It doesn’t require peak athletic ability or a degree in special education. It only asks for an hour each week and a positive attitude. It would be so easy to skip or give minimal effort and no one would say anything. But that’s not enough for Sam. He shows up every week. He shows up even when he has a test the next day. He’s running across the field even after a tough leg workout. Rain, snow, blistering heat: he’s there. He always gives his best effort because he knows every athlete there wants to compete and be challenged on the field. Not only that, but he cultivates a relationship with each person at Unified, making it fun on the field and off. Everytime we would walk home, Sam would tell me that he doesn’t feel like he is doing enough. He would ask me questions about how he can be a better member, how he could bring more to Unified each week. And there was nothing else Sam could do, because he was doing the most. Sam is the type of person Unified strives to find. Another thing about Sam is he is not shy to work. Sam has built businesses, including a venture in high school where he did car detailing, “a lucrative opportunity” he added in our conversation. But being a Builder doesn’t always mean wanting to pursue entrepreneurship. He expressed that while he enjoyed doing that and while the money was great, pursuing another entrepreneurship opportunity was probably not in his cards for the future. As of now, Sam works at a large machinery leasing business in the supply chain field, streamlining the way day to day business is carried out. That’s not a small feat when you think about it. Sales and leasing is not a new industry. It has been around for hundreds of years, can be found globally, and is one of the few businesses that saw a smooth transition to the internet. What could possibly be improved? And what can a young man not even out of college show this tried and true industry? According to Sam, a lot. Starting small and using his life and academic knowledge, Sam provided recommendations on little work changes. He has gradually expanded his suggestions to the point where he was sent to Texas to review operations at a large point of operations for the company. The title he holds wouldn’t suggest this level of importance, sitting at an entry level position that mostly bounces around to pick up slack for people, but he gives his best work no matter the situation and works hard to improve everything around him. One final thing about Sam that you might not know is Sam doesn’t lead with Achiever. In fact, you might not know any of this about Sam.
Sam is humble. He doesn’t brag about what he does. He doesn’t expect
things in return for his work. He does things because they are right. Sam builds at a micro level, improving the world around him.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sam-murphy65/